Welcome to the 8th North Staffs Boys Brigade Portal
Welocme to the 8th North Staffs Boys Brigade!
Our work is split into age groups as follows:
Anchor Boys - for Boys aged 5 to 8 years
Junior Section - for Boys aged 8 to 11 years
Company Section / Seniors - for Boys aged 11 to 18 years
Where have we come from?
The Boys' Brigade has been around for 125 years and in 2008 we celebrated our 125th Anniversary. Our Founder Sir
William Alexander Smith, included in our Object "The Promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence,
Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness" and that has not been
What has changed is how we go about promoting that object. We recognise that the influences surrounding our
young people are not always
helpful and that too many lose control at great cost to themselves, their families and the community. The answer
is to catch the energy
and enthusiasm of youth and to channel it purposefully.
Our Object
The Object of The Boys' Brigade is:
"The advancement of Christ's
kingdom among Boys and
the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true
Christian manliness."
Our motto is
"Sure and Steadfast" and our emblem is an anchor. Both are taken from the
Bible (Hebrews, Chapter 6 verse 19).
Visit our
Honours Page and see who has attained the highest
achievements in our Company.